5 Minute Disk I/O in KB
THIS IS LEGACY I HAVE REPLACED IT. I am leaving this up for archival purposes as it does still work just not as accurately as I would like. OS: CentOS 5.4 Arch : x86_64 Version : 0.1a Required Packages : netsnmpd, sysstat snmpd conf addition: exec . SARDISKIO /usr/bin/mrtg_diskio Client Script Used: <script> #!/bin/bash #V 0.1b MisterX Dec 9th 2009 # Replace md0-md3 with the drives you want to watch #OUTPUT example for first Drive : # tps # kB_read/s # kB_wrtn/s # kB_read # kB_wrtn # and so on for each additional Drive. A snmpwalk -v2c -On -c $community $host will show #you the full list for all drives. for d in md0 md1 md2 md3; do /usr/bin/iostat -dk | grep $d | awk '{print $2}'; /usr/bin/iostat -dk | grep $d | awk '{print $3}'; /usr/bin/iostat -dk | grep $d | awk '{print $4}'; /usr/bin/iostat -dk | grep $d | awk '{print $5}'; /usr/bin/iostat -dk | grep $d | awk '{print $6}'; done </script>
MRTG Code :
Title[$server_name-disk]: Disk $drive 5 min Average I/O Utilization
MaxBytes[$server_name-disk]: 10240000000000000
PageTop[$server_name-disk]: <H1>5 min Avg. I/O Utilization Report</H1>
kmg[$server_name-disk]: KB,MB,GB
LegendI[$server_name-disk]: 5 min Avg. I/O KBread
LegendO[$server_name-disk]: 5 min Avg. I/O KBwrite
Legend1[$server_name-disk]: 5 min Avg. I/O KBread
Legend2[$server_name-disk]: 5 min Avg. I/O KBwrite
YLegend[$server_name-disk]: Kilobytes
ShortLegend[$server_name-disk]: &
Options[$server_name-disk]: growright,nopercent
Its only to track trends and general issues but if you use MRTG you probably have other tools you use and already know this ;)